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Bleaching Trays for our Patients in Gilbert, AZ

At Power Ranch Dental, we offer all of our patients free at-home teeth bleaching for life. At-home bleaching is one of the most popular whitening approaches in the dental field today. When you come to Power Ranch Dental, we like to evaluate your teeth to make sure you have no decay in your mouth. Once cleared by one of our doctors, we can take bleaching tray impressions. It takes about a week to finish your bleaching trays. When they are done, we will give you your trays and you are ready to start you treatment on your own! At all of your recall visits, you will receive a free tube of bleach so you can continue your teeth whitening throughout your life. Please call Power Ranch Dental at (480) 988- 2282 to ask any further questions you may have about whitening or bleaching trays. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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