Toothbrushes can be breeding grounds for germs, fungus and bacteria, which after a while can build up to significant levels. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush every three months. It is also important to change toothbrushes after you've had a cold, the flu, a mouth infection or a sore throat. This is because germs can hide in toothbrush bristles and lead to reinfection. Also, studies show that airborne bacteria can move from toothbrush to toothbrush (and from other sources in the bathroom), and opportunistic infections, like periodontal disease and common colds/flu, can easily be passed from one person to another if toothbrushes are stored together. After brushing you should let your toothbrush dry in the open air or in a plastic case with proper ventilation, which helps to reduce the spread of germs.
For more information about toothbrushes you can give Power Ranch Dental a call at (480) 988- 2282. We look forward to talking with you soon!