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Restrictions While in Braces: Gilbert, AZ

Restrictions While in Braces: Gilbert, AZ

It is very common for patients in braces to be concerned about the types of restrictions and limitations you may have with the wires and brackets in your mouth. When patients first get braces, patients will want to stick to a diet that is primarily comprised of soft foods. Some food that should be avoided is hard bread products, tough meats, and crisp raw vegetables. These types of foods can be eaten, but should wait until the weeks following the start of braces so the patient can start to feel more comfortable. Once acclimated to braces, patients can enjoy a wide range of food, but always must stay clear from things like caramel, candy, bagels, whole apples and popcorn. These things can be very hard on people’s teeth while they have braces on.

For more information about braces, give Power Ranch Dental a call at (480) 988- 2282. We would love to answer any and all questions you may have. 

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