Oral Cancer Screening in Gilbert, AZ
Oral cancer is one of the 10 most common forms of cancer. The treatment of oral cancer has greatly improved in the last 40 years. Despite advances in surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, the average survival rate for five-years is still only 50%. This form of cancer is discovered later then other types of cancer largely due to the fact that the symptoms are commonly missed and unnoticeable.
At Power Ranch Dental, our dentists and hygienists screen for oral cancer at every examination. If we see an unusual red or white spot in the mouth that doesn’t look normal, we can usually do a simple screen biopsy or can recommend a great oral surgeon that can help.
If you have further questions about oral cancer or you would like to set up a free consultation with our doctor, give us a call at (480) 988- 2282. We look forward to meeting with you.